Land Donation

EarthCredits accepts the donation of land for the creation of public parks, greenways, wetland protection and preservation, or remediation. In most instances, a tax credit is available for donated land. EarthCredits also accepts tax deductible donations to be used for the purchase of land for projects closest to where you live. Please contact us on your request to donate land. All donors will receive a certificate for display and a receipt for tax purposes.


The Founder of EarthCredits, Roy M. Dale, is a former elected official and former Commissioner with the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation. He directs the efforts of EarthCredits to work with your local officials, governments and municipalities to establish legislation to protect our environment. Examples of legislative assistance through EarthCredits would include stormwater regulations, water quality regulations, sustainable development legislation, and tree protection/enhancement regulations to name a few. Contact us for legislative assistance.


The educational resources section of the EarthCredits website is produced for kids and teachers. Much of the information is a summary of information gathered at This EPA site has lots of information and many activities for educators and students. Another great site with many activities is

Contribute a donation towards the creation of greenways, parks, and wetlands nearest you today.